Campo Verde Mexican Food

As well as mexican and tex mex specialties they also offer american food such as cheeseburgers and chicken fried steak and exotic meat such as buffalo fajitas and rattlesnake.
Campo verde mexican food. We offer lunch child menus private party full bar take out and party trays. Campo verde 2918 w. They have this one thing i believe is called a calabecita releno or something like that. There s a train that runs all the way around the top of the whole restaurant.
Campo verde is an arlington pantego institution. Pioneer parkway arlington tx 76013. It s over the top kitschy decor in a dimly lit building. That s right people free queso.
We have combined what we feel our customers want in dining out with fresh delicious quality food with the utmost superior atmosphere and wait staff. 244 reviews of campo verde mexican american cuisine this place rocks. Campo verde is a unique combination of tex mex southwest texan mexican and american food restaurant. They bring you chips and salsa and queso for free.
Full menu full mexican cuisine american food best chips cheese queso salsa to go orders fajita taco enchiladas tortilla soup quesadillas mexican pizza. It s quick serve mexican food in a sit down establishment. It is what it is. I remember coming here as a kid and it s still great.
It s doing alright just at what it is.