Can Siamese Fighting Fish Eat Goldfish Food

Goldfish food contains slow digesting plant matter and amino acids designed for goldfish s primitive digestion.
Can siamese fighting fish eat goldfish food. Do not feed goldfish any food that is for betta fish only they can but shouldn t there isn t enough nutrients in the food to keep. Goldfish have slower digestive tracts so ingesting a high protein food designed for a betta can lead to intestinal gas swim bladder infection and kidney failure if goldfish consume it regularly. Siamese fighting fish should be fed 1 2 times per day in very small amounts 2 3 pellets or pieces of other. Bettas are primarily carnivores and need a higher protein diet.
A lot of stores like walmart carry gold fish food. I was just wondering if i could put my fighter fish in the tropical tank. Tiny flakes of goldfish food goldfish eat fish food and sometimes the plants in the water. The betta might eat the goldfish food if the pieces aren t too big for him but in the long term it isn t nutritionally balanced right for a betta because bettas are carnivores while goldfish and koi are omnivores with a lot of vegetable content in their diet.
When you place this block into your aquarium it begins to dissolve. Just a hard oversized block of fish food. Goldfish eat a lot of plant matter and their food reflects that. The siamese fighting fish also referred to as betta splendens or the betta is a popular fish in the aquarium trade.
Basically goldfish food does not have the essential nutrients that a betta would require. They are among the most popular home aquarium pets second only to goldfish thanks to their wide variety of stunning betta colors shapes to choose from and their spectacular fins. They love it in the warm water i must say. Its about 23 c in the tank i also have little neon s in the tank too.
But goldfish can eat tropical fish food like bettas can. At first glance slow release fish food doesn t look like anything special. First of all i already have 2 goldfish in my tropical tank because it s winter and the pond they use to be in freezes over so they d obviously die. You should offer high quality specialised siamese fighting fish pellets granules and supplement this with black worms brine shrimp frozen tubifex worms and daphnia.
A varied diet will maximize the health of your siamese fighting fish. Slow release fish food covers any type of fish food that can be used as a food source over days or weeks without needing you to be nearby. You would be better off getting some special food for bettas siamese fighting fish.