Can You Feed A Kitten Soy Baby Formula

These bottles typically hold small amounts of formula so they are easy to handle while also holding a small kitten.
Can you feed a kitten soy baby formula. If you need to bottle feed a kitten you ll need to use special baby bottles. If it s not dehydrated you can give it kitten or puppy milk replacement. Tiny baby bottles with tiny nipples for kittens can be purchased online or in pet stores. Drop the milk into the kitty s mouth one drop at a time.
Feed the kitten with homemade kitten formula using any of these alternatives. And you have to get them to urinate. I had 2 male kittens 4 weeks old that i fed. The only milk that is healthy for kittens to drink is either their mother s or they will need a kitten milk replacer which can also be called kmr or kitten milk formula.
A syringe without the needle can also do a great job. You should stick with a kitten milk replacement to ensure her long term health but in a pinch human baby formula may tide you over until you can make it to the pet store. Kitten formula recipes easy homemade formula recipe for kittens feeding kitten in home. The cornell book of cats says that human baby formula can be used if made up to double the normal strength although human baby formula is.
An eye dropper would do the trick. However even after she has weaned your kitten should still not consume human baby formula even as a treat. I had someone give me a barely 2 week old kitten because i have a mommy cat that i hoped would accept the orphan. After about three to four weeks of age your kitten can start eating solid foods.
You have to feed them often with a eye dropper. Unfortunately after feeding for a short while the mommy cat would have no part. Feeding orphaned kittens the most appropriate food for a newborn kitten is her mother s milk but if she s been abandoned that might not be available as an option. We do not recommend using the other formulas for long term bottle feeding but they can be useful should you need to feed your kittens and can t find the ingredients for the homemade goat s milk formula.
Alternately you can make a temporary formula using one can of evaporated milk one egg yolk and two tablespoons of karo syrup. There are other household items that you can use as alternatives to nursing bottles. Before you feed a baby raccoon gently pinch its skin and see if it stays bunched up or if it bounces back into place. In a late night emergency can i feed a hungry 2 week old kitten baby formula.
If its skin stays bunched up the baby raccoon is likely dehydrated and you ll need to give it pedialyte before anything else. I wouldn t give them baby formula.