Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia Rna Seq

Raw bam files used to generate this data is avaliable at gdc.
Cancer cell line encyclopedia rna seq. Access the ccle public project by selecting cancer cell line encyclopedia ccle from public projects in the top navigation bar n2. Atlas release notes download help faq. The cancer cell line encyclopedia ccle is a collaborative project focused on detailed genomic and pharmacologic characterization of a large panel of human cancer cell lines in order to link genomic patterns with distinct pharmacologic vulnerabilities and to translate cell line integrative genomics into clinic 19 20. Project description the pan cancer analysis of whole genomes pcawg study is an international collaboration to identify common patterns of mutation in more than 2 800 cancer whole genomes from the international cancer genome consortium building upon previous work which examined cancer coding regions this project is exploring the nature and consequences of somatic and germline variations in.
All data were aligned using salmon 0 4 2 using homo sapiens grch37 74 for reference. Project information box is displayed n3. The original cancer cell line encyclopedia ccle is expanded with deeper characterization of over 1 000 cell lines including genomic transcriptomic and proteomic data and integration with. A combination of four computational pipelines to identify circrnas in cancer cell line encyclopedia ccle rna seq data b violin plot shows number of circrnas identified in cancer lineages with at least 10 cancer cell lines c tissue specific circrna profile across cancer lineages.
Experiments baseline experiments differential experiments. Place your mouse cursor over the project title. After downloading rna seq data for 935 cell lines from the cancer cell line encyclopedia ccle transcript level abundance was quantified using salmon 1. 2020 the broad institute of mit harvard.
The ccle cancer cell line encyclopedia project is a collaboration between the broad institute and the novartis institutes for biomedical research and its genomics institute of the novartis research foundation to conduct a detailed genetic and pharmacologic characterization of a large panel of human cancer models to develop integrated computational analyses that link distinct pharmacologic. Please see below for a partial list of resources or refer to the list of cancer related data software and tools. Nih genomic data commons. 22460905 filter by genes in paper raw data provider.
Rna seq of 934 human cancer cell lines from the cancer cell line encyclopedia rna seq mrna baseline.