Capsular Tension Ring Complications

The only ones that can be used with anterior capsular tears and posterior capsular rents are the capsular tension segments.
Capsular tension ring complications. Ophthalmol clin north am. Capsular tension ring implantation after capsulorhexis in phacoemusification of cataracts associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Surgeons point out that it s important to know when it makes sense to use a ctr. In conclusion dislocation of the capsular tension ring is a rare and unexpected complication of cataract surgery.
Cionni md for cases in which a ctr wouldn t be appropriate. A capsular tension ring will keep the capsule expanded but it doesn t reduce zonular stress during the procedure says dr. The tool is now widely used as an integral step in cases where there is a loss of zonular integrity. A capsular tension ring.
Capsular tension rings ctr are inserted into the capsular bag during cataract surgery for supporting areas of zonular laxity and maintaining shape of the bag. After capsulorhexis and before phacoemulsification the surgeon may implant up to three in severe cases capsular tension segments to support the capsule over weakened zonules. Ahmed s capsular tension segment is a further modification to the capsular tension ring developed by robert j. It s difficult to place a capsular tension ring and a modified capsular tension ring prior to lens removal but possible and easier to place a capsular tension segment just because they re smaller.
Update on endocapsular support devices.