Carrier Comfortlink Alarm Codes A140

It is used for accessing unit information reading sensor values and testing the unit.
Carrier comfortlink alarm codes a140. Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Use care in handling rigging and setting this equipment and in handling all electrical components. Comfortlink will tell you what all the alarms are. Carrier 48 50pm c16 28 user manual 42 table 12 comfort link t alarm codes cont 48 50pg and pm carrier conditioners.
Weathermaker 48 50aj air conditioner pdf manual download. A133 is circuit a low refrigerant pressure alarm. Single package large rooftop units with comfortlink version 5 x controls. Table 114 alert and alarm codes.
Go to alarm staus and when the alarm you are looking at appears push the enter and escape at the same time and you will get a plain language read out of what it means. Air cooled chillers with comfortlink controls. I ve seen this alarm on aquasnaps and package units that also use comfort link. 38ap air cooled condensing unit boasts comfortlink electronic system controls.
View and download carrier aquasnap air cooled chillers with comfortlink controls 30rap010 060 operation and service manual online. Air conditioners from the carrier gemini 38apd025 100 range belong to commercial lineup and therefore are excellent for restaurants hotels government buildings etc. General this publication contains controls start up service operation and troubleshooting information for the gemini select 38ap condensing units with comfortlink controls. Schematic doesnt show phase protection.
View and download carrier weathermaker 48 50aj operation and service manual online. The ccn carrier comfort network. Each unit has its display module. Any recommendation other than swapping leads and how does logic confirm phase reversal.
Weathermaker 48aj 020 060 weathermaker 50aw 020 060. Diagnostic alarm codes and possible. Aquasnap air cooled chillers with comfortlink controls 30rap010 060 air conditioner pdf manual download. Air conditioning equipment carrier gemini 38apd025 100 represents commercial air cooled condensing units with comfortlink controls.
Control usage scrolling marquee display the scrolling mar quee display is the standard interface display to the comfortlink control system for 30rb units. The same holds true for any point name.